Shore360’s experience and expertise in recruiting for skilled and talented medical staff in the Philippines make us an ideal offshoring partner for medical services from different parts of the world. We go above and beyond, from workshopping with you on your outsourcing requirements, to guiding you through the ins and outs of managing your remote office-based staff in the Philippines.

Start With One!

One call with us will help you get a better understanding of the skills available and tasks you can outsource.

One job brief. You don’t need to hire a team immediately. You can start with recruiting for one.

One interview. Our recruiter will coordinate an interview with you and a candidate that fits your requirement. This is a great opportunity and a good exercise especially for companies that are new to offshoring.

One success. When you find the dynamics that’s working great for first staff, you can duplicate the success with your next staff.

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Schedule an Introduction Meeting With Us

Why Consider Outsourcing Health
and Medical Staff in the

Why Consider Outsourcing Health
and Medical Staff in thePhilippines?

In order to allow your medical professionals to focus more on their work, let Shore360 handle the back-end of your healthcare organization. Outsourcing will enable you to amplify your business to its full extent. Let us take care of the documentation, coding, billing, accounts management, transcription, finance and insurance claims processing. We can handle the tedious and repetitive parts of a medical process for you.

There is a huge talent pool of Healthcare Front and Back Office Staff in the Philippines that consists of health customer service representatives, appointment setters, medical data encoders, pharmacy assistants, medical claims/biller/examiners, pharmacy assistants and medical transcriptionists who are experienced in supporting health and medical companies in the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand and other countries.

The global healthcare BPO market is expected to grow from $247.26 billion in 2021 to $277.24 billion in 2022 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.1%. The healthcare BPO market is expected to grow to $441.08 billion in 2026 at a CAGR of 12.3%. (GlobeNewswire)

With English as the nation’s second language, even fresh graduates from top local universities can be easily trained and familiarised with the Healthcare sector.

The Philippines remains the prime talent pool of healthcare staff known for its stature as hardworking, emphatic with warm disposition, service-oriented, creative, and analytical skills. The Philippines is the “BPO Capital of the World” since 2013.

Let's Talk

    Healthcare Specialisations
    That You Can Outsource:

    Appointment Setters · Medical Receptionists · Medical Sales Representatives

    Respond to Patient Queries

    Before the digital age, it was acceptable for businesses to take days to respond to inquiries, but times have changed. In the medical field, patients want an instant response or within 24 hours at the latest. If a clinic takes too long, the potential patient will find another practice for help. Our offshore staff can easily tackle these vital duties necessary to keep up during these changing times along with the Covid-19 pandemic.

    Set Doctor’s appointments, answer customer questions about goods or services, refer patients to appropriate staff or department, outbound calls and emails patients to follow-up doctor’s orders, website chat support to patient enquiries

    Health Customer Service Representatives – voice and non-voice

    Collect, Document and Communicate Medical Information

    Documentation is a critical vehicle in order to convey essential clinical information about each patient’s diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes and for communication between clinicians and patients. Unclear, vague, or absent documentation can result in errors.

    Enter patient or treatment data into computers, gather medical information from patient histories, interview patients to gather medical information, maintain medical records and patient histories

    Medical Virtual Assistants

    Undertake Healthcare Documentation

    Each clinical activity should be documented properly to help patients meet their needs and to communicate effectively to the medical professionals. Clinicians can often pinpoint potential problem areas and make the correct diagnosis based on reports. Clinical records should always be accurate and updated.

    Prepare official health documents or records, prepare reports summarising patient diagnostic or care activities, laboratory test results, process health care prescriptions and other paperwork

    Medical Data Encoders/Medical Transcriptionists

    Create and Update Databases

    Medical transcriptionists listen to voice recordings that physicians and other healthcare workers make and convert them into written reports. Medical Data Encoders encode high-volume patient and demographic information using various systems and programs.

    Create databases to store electronic data, enter information into databases or software programs, load digital images onto computers or websites, update computer database information

    Medical Biller & Coder/Examiners

    Medical/Insurance Claims

    Medical billers submit claims to insurance companies, while medical coders review documentation from providers and translate it into codes for reimbursement.

    Verification, coding, reimbursement reports, processing of approvals for insurance claims

    Virtual Invoicing Account Receivable and Payable Accountants

    The advent of the internet led to better, more secure and greener ways to communicate with clients. Online invoices are paperless as the invoices are sent through email, and payments are made online. Outsource your finance team to us for accurate recording, computing, and classifying of revenue data and ensure complete financial records.

    Ledgers, purchase orders, receiving reports, virtual invoicing

    Virtual Pharmacy Assistants

    Offshore Pharmacy Assistants are able to perform all clerical duties necessary to ensure that a pharmacy is running efficiently. Remotely provides prescription processing and answer patient questions daily over the phone. Ensures the pharmacy has the necessary stock by ordering items to various suppliers.

    Assess, analyze and enter medications for dispensation, assist with seeking approval for prescription alternatives, accommodate failed claims, help in information on reimbursements, update patient records

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    and Offshoring Consultation

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    and Offshoring Consultation

    We are Your Ideal Partner
    In Offshore Medical Services

    Experienced Partner – Since its inception, Shore360 has been partnering with small to large medical service companies from different parts of the world. This has built our experience and portfolio in offshore medical services for almost 10 years – helping businesses transition into the seamless offshoring experience even through the most specific challenges.

    Talent & Recruitment – Our team of recruiters has been matching talented local engineers to offshore businesses since 2016. Whether you’re looking for a junior team member to schedule and follow up patient appointments, a more experienced person for pharmacy assistance roles or an administrator for medical & insurance claims management, we’ll find talented people perfectly matching your business needs.

    Managerial Control – With Shore360, you will be able to maintain managerial control over your team’s performance and company culture. You will sign a contract agreeing to your terms and will be able to customise your infrastructure based on your needs.

    Focus On Your Business.
    We'll Handle The Rest.